by drmikol | Sep 27, 2011 | adolescents, aging parents, children, counseling, depression, family, family conflict, happiness, therapy
by drmikol | Apr 18, 2011 | aging parents
by drmikol | Apr 11, 2011 | adolescents, aging parents, children, counseling, depression, family, family conflict, happiness, Marin County, San Franciso, therapy, Uncategorized
Have you ever found yourself feeling the blues and no matter what you try you just can’t feel right? So what can you do to cure the blues? Well, how about the TV commercials that promise to fix those blues with a magic new pill? If you...
by drmikol | Jun 26, 2009 | aging parents, caregivers
Unfortunately I have become emotionally responsible for my aging mother now that my father has died. Being the faithful son and wanting to honor my fathers death-bed request that I take care of Mom is quite the challenge. I have years of experience counseling...