Thanks Dr. Davis! Since working with you, I have grown into the person I am committed to being, and I wouldn’t have gotten to this point without your guidance, wisdom, and genuine care.
I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for me, and look forward to working with you during this next phase of my life.
Thank you for everything, you rock! 🙂 J.G.
When I first began to see Dr. Davis it would have been charitable to call me a “basket case”. For the previous two months I has spent most of my days either in bed under the covers or wandering around my house in inexplicable tears. A cycle depressive for most of my sixty-three years. I has fallen over the edge into the deepest, most unrelenting depression I had ever know. I was nearly incapable of performing everyday activities and had ceased to do most of the things I enjoyed.
Then fifteen weeks and ten sessions later mostly because of Dr. Davis’ perceptive insights into what my words were really saying and his keen ability to distill relevant meaning from my verbal meanderings I am once again functional, have begun to do the things that I had come to avoid and an well on my way back to strong mental health. Dr. Davis’ guidance on that journey was, I believe, absolutely vital to my recovery. T. Green
Dear Dr. Davis-
You have been on my mind a lot lately. Here is why, when our son, Bobby, was in second grade, it was suggested to us by the teaching staff and then principal to seek help for his “behavioral” issues. I brought Bobby to you in tears not knowing what we were doing wrong. After working with him for 9 months, you sat me down and told me that he was much more mature than other’s his age. That one day when he turned 18 he would be a fantastic adult. Well, time certainly does fly. He turned 18 on December 23rd and YOU would be very proud of him as we are. He is currently a senior in High School, was crowned a Home Coming Prince, has just started his first job and pulled himself together very well. He has been a camp counselor several times, is an officer for two youth groups and the list goes on. I recently was speaking with a parent that is new to his school and mentioned your name as her son is having difficulties. It brought back many emotions. I felt her pain as a parent. So, a BIG thank you for all you have done and continue to do for others. I hope you are well. Regards, C.S
Dear Dr. Davis-
My follies were what they were. But seems I’m moving beyond them. To me, that’s as big a marker as anything. Victims are prisoners of their past. With your help, feel I’ve not only dealt with the past successfully but am transcending it. There’s no possible way I could do that on my own. So thanks. You’re a true helper and real pro. J.G.G.